Wednesday, September 25, 2013

First Lady, Michelle Obama

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama (born January 17, 1964), an American lawyer and writer, is the wife of the 44th and current President of the United States, Barack Obama, and the first African-American First Lady of the United States. Raised on the South Side of Chicago, Obama attended Princeton University and Harvard Law School before returning to Chicago to work at the law firm Sidley Austin, where she met her future husband. Subsequently, she worked as part of the staff of Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley, and for the University of Chicago Medical Center.
Throughout 2007 and 2008, she helped campaign for her husband's presidential bid. She delivered a keynote address at the 2008 Democratic National Convention and also spoke at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. She is the mother of daughters Malia and Sasha. As the wife of a Senator, and later the First Lady, she has become a fashion icon and role model for women, and an advocate for poverty awareness, nutrition, and healthy eating.

Jawlensky's Young Girl in a Flowered Hat


Jada Pinkett Smith on Past Addiction

Jada Pinkett Smith was born to Robson Pinkett Jr. and Adrienne Banfield-Jones in Baltimore, Maryland. Her father was a contractor and her mother was a nurse. They divorced after only a few months of marriage. She majored in dance and choreography at the Baltimore School for the Arts, where one of her classmates was Tupac Shakur.

Word of the day- Fatalistic

Believing that all events are inevitable and unchangeable; resigned to fate.

She is a believer of fatalism, so she has come to terms with growing old and getting wrinkles.

Jawlensky's Young Girl in a Flowered Hat - Smarthistory

Jawlensky's Young Girl in a Flowered Hat - Smarthistory

Assignment 1.
I found this picture interesting because of Jawlensky’s use of bold somewhat structured lines combined with vivid and raw, yet purposeful strokes of color. The skin tones in Jawlensky’s art are usually an odd hue for any person's skin, but he/she finds a way to draw your focus away from that. The way Jawlensky blends his/her colors together is masterful and simplistically free spirited at the same time. Every time I look at this piece a different aspect of its uniqueness stands out to me.

MJ Gist

Monday, September 9, 2013

Driver charged after online confession

US killer drink-driver charged after online confession

This video frame grab provided by Alex Sheen of shows Matthew Cordle Matthew Cordle said he would plead guilty to any charges related to the death of Vincent Canzani

Related Stories

An Ohio man who confessed in an online video to killing a man in a drink-driving accident has been charged with aggravated vehicular homicide.

Matthew Cordle, 22, was expected to turn himself in ahead of an arraignment on Tuesday.

In a video posted last week on two websites, Mr Cordle said he accepted "full responsibility" for the death of Navy veteran Vincent Canzani, 61.

Prosecutor Ron O'Brien said Mr Cordle had been a suspect in the June crash.

The charge carries a maximum eight-year prison sentence.

Serena talks U.S. Open memories

Check out this great Fox Sports video - Serena talks U.S. Open memories

Monday, September 2, 2013

Dave Chappelle heckled at Connecticut show, stops performance

Dave Chappelle heckled at Connecticut show, stops performance

Check out this great MSN video - Cat attacks her own leg

Check out this great MSN video - Cat attacks her own leg

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities
Creating a volunteer opportunity is a process, which may take up to 6 months. In that process, Global Ministries attempts to match an individual's skills and interests with a need or opportunity that one of our international partners may have at the moment. Please plan accordingly for this time of dialogue and discernment as you consider your available dates

Syrian's not convinced America will attack.

French MPs to see 'evidence' of Syria chemical weapons


--There must be "a firm international response to deter any future use of such weapons", he said, or else it would send a "dangerous signal to dictators all over the world".

But he stressed any action would have to be "very short, sharp, tailored" and accompany a political process.--( Read Entire Article)

American History and The Civil Rights Movement

Our Favorite Moments of the President with Icons of African American History and the Civil Rights Movement

Since taking office, President Obama has welcomed many icons of the civil rights movement to the White House, including Tuskegee Airmen, Freedom Riders, Negro League Baseball players, artists, musicians and activists. Today, with President Obama set to speak from the Lincoln Memorial to mark the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, we present some of our favorite behind the scenes moments of the President with these icons of African American history and the civil rights movement. (FULL Source ARTICLE)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What is the Accelerating Men's Initiative?


Accelerating Ministries Inc. is the assessments in helping young men identify who they are and understand what their true gifts are. It’s the drive to encourage young men to be a part of Accelerating Men, which is a program to help young men understand how to accelerate in their God-given talents, abilities, gifts and skills.

What will the Accelerating Men Learn?

Accelerating Men will be taught the skills of making better sound decisions in their life. These young men will be guided by true doctrine, which will allow them to work and move through their problems. By using practical interpretation, these young men will explore healthy solutions to guide their actions.

Accelerating Men will participate in exciting workshops once a month, which consists of peer interactions and small groups discussions. Every Accelerating Men participant will be assigned one Leading Man Mentor who shares the same interest as they do.

The Leading Man Mentor will be accountable in helping the Accelerating Men participant, in developing his true God given Gift. Each participant will be partnered with their Leading Man Mentor once they have fully completed the Accelerating Men Program requirements.
It is 40 years since a ‘back to school jam' in New York’s west Bronx kickstarted a movement and spawned a whole culture. BBC Culture’s Rebecca Laurence looks back on a party that changed the world.


On a hot August night in 1973, Clive Campbell, known as DJ Kool Herc, and his sister Cindy put on a ‘back to school jam’ in the recreation room of their apartment block at 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the west Bronx. Entrance cost 25c for ‘ladies’ and 50c for ‘fellas’
Read More (Source)

Question Bridge

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Children Learn What They Dorothy Law Nolte

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte

          If children live with criticism,
               They learn to condemn.
          If children live with hostility,
               They learn to fight.
          If children live with ridicule,
               They learn to be shy.
          If children live with shame,
               They learn to feel guilty.
          If children live with encouragement,
               They learn confidence.
          If children live with tolerance,
               They learn to be patient.
          If children live with praise,
               They learn to appreciate.
          If children live with acceptance,
               They learn to love.
          If children live with approval,
               They learn to like themselves.
          If children live with honesty,
               They learn truthfulness.
          If children live with security,
               They learn to have faith in themselves and others.
          If children live with friendliness,
               They learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Copyright © 1972/1975 by Dorothy Law Nolte

Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
This is the author-approved short version.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Why You Should Lift Weight

Why You Should Lift Weight

The first few times you strength train may seem like a waste of time. The longer you stick with it, the more muscle mass you’ll build and the more calories you’ll burn. (Source)

Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Schoep, the arthritic dog who became an Internet sensation last summer when he was photographed floating peacefully in Lake Superior in his owner’s arms, has passed away. Read More...

Also, take a look at this slide show. One author said no dog should die alone no matter their age. Adopt an old dog today!

Monday, July 15, 2013

15 Fascinating Planets Outside Our Solar System

5 Exercises to Try at Work

Studies show that a sedentary work environment can lead to a high risk of obesity if you are an office worker, especially if you work over 40 hours a week. While healthy diet plans, strength training, and aerobic exercise are important outside of the office; you can also optimize your exercise routines while at work. (Read More)

NAACP calls on Obama to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman

NAACP calls on Obama to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman
Outraged by an acquittal in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the NAACP quickly called for civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. "The most fundamental of civil rights — the right to life — was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin," the NAACP wrote in an online petition to Attorney General Eric Holder. "We ask that the Department of Justice file civil rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman for this egregious violation."(Read More)

Hero teen gets on bike, tracks down kidnapper and rescues 5-year-old

Temar Boggs was hanging out in his Pennsylvania neighborhood when he heard that officers were looking for a reportedly kidnapped 5-year-old girl. Boggs, 15, and his friends got on their bikes and joined the search. "I had the gut feeling that I was going to find the little girl," Boggs said. After first checking the woods and along a creek, Boggs spotted a maroon car that started backtracking through the neighborhood, presumably to avoid a group of officers. He caught up to the car, causing the driver to stop and push the girl out. Boggs scooped her up and delivered her to the police. "I'm just a normal person," he said. "It was a blessing for me to make that happen."

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jury finds George Zimmerman not guilty

Outside court, some supporters of Martin’s family chanted, “The system failed us!”

Jurors in the trial of George Zimmerman found him not guilty in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

A Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman on Saturday night in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, which touched off an intense national debate about race, guns and self-defense.

Read More...Jury finds George Zimmerman not guilty

Live by Your Own Rules

Live by Your Own Rules: "Viva is fresh and unexpected. A sexy daring blend of notes that brings out the duality of a woman. The Viva woman is powerful, yet seductive. She lives life by her own rules."
- Fergie

U.S. expresses 'deep concern' about South Sudan violence

U.S. expresses 'deep concern' about South Sudan violence

Zimmerman jury holds second day of deliberations

Zimmerman jury holds second day of deliberations

Black Celebrities Who’ve Fought Breast Cancer

African American women are 10% less likely to have been diagnosed with breast cancer; however, they are almost 40% more likely to die from breast cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white women. Here are a few well-known Black celebrities who have suffered from breast cancer.

Liking isn't helping!!

Will You Help or Will You Spectate?
That is the question!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Signs of Over Heating & Exhaustion

Heat stroke or sunstroke is a life-threatening condition when the body’s cooling system stops working properly. This allows the body’s internal body temperature to rise so high that damage to organs or even the brain can occur.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Is a Strong Core Important for Everyday Life?


Neglecting your core can have adverse effects on your everyday activities. Here are some of the functions a well-developed core will help you perform...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Free Final Wishes Guide

I am aware of the emotional upset one may experience at a time such as this. So that I may spare you any additional unrest, I have prepared this booklet to help you with the planning  and decision making that must be done.

Within these pages I have outlined my final wishes. I have specified the arrangement that should be made and provided a list of those who should be informed of my passing.

I have also provided a detailed list of all legal and financial information that will be needed when settling my estate. I hope this somewhat lessens the difficulties you may face upon my passing.

In the event of your death, will you leave your loved ones with questions or with a plan?

Our final wishes guide allows you to set in motion, the unavoidable decisions that have to be made when some one dies.


 Get Your FREE Final Wishes Guide Today!


Friday, June 7, 2013

What is joint life insurance?

There are two main types of joint life insurance, (first-to-die) and (second-to-die).

With a joint life insurance (first-to-die) policy, two people are insured. Benefits are paid when the first person dies. The premiums on this type of policy is lower than if two policies were bought whose total death benefit equaled the death benefit under the joint life insurance policy.

With a joint and survivor life insurance (second-to-die) policy, two people are also insured under one policy, but pays death benefits only when the second insured person dies.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Whole Life Final Expense Insurance


Ultra Protector Series Whole Life Insurance


We offer:

LIFETIME PROTECTION - You will never have to worry about losing your coverage.
NO MEDICAL EXAM REQUIRED - Just answer a few simple medical questions on the application
GUARANTEED COVERAGE - You can be covered no matter what your health history.
RATES NEVER INCREASE - Your initial rate will not increase for the life of the policy. Your coverage will not decrease or be cancelled because of age or health


LB Johnson

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