Sunday, June 9, 2013

Free Final Wishes Guide

I am aware of the emotional upset one may experience at a time such as this. So that I may spare you any additional unrest, I have prepared this booklet to help you with the planning  and decision making that must be done.

Within these pages I have outlined my final wishes. I have specified the arrangement that should be made and provided a list of those who should be informed of my passing.

I have also provided a detailed list of all legal and financial information that will be needed when settling my estate. I hope this somewhat lessens the difficulties you may face upon my passing.

In the event of your death, will you leave your loved ones with questions or with a plan?

Our final wishes guide allows you to set in motion, the unavoidable decisions that have to be made when some one dies.


 Get Your FREE Final Wishes Guide Today!


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LB Johnson