The Daily Grammar

General Vocabulary

  • Egalitarian

     adj. Affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people.

  • flibbertigibbet


    Archaic a gossip.

    a chattering or flighty, light-headed person.
  •  FLIB-er-tee-jib-it  , noun;   
  • Affinity: attraction toward or liking of something
  • Entice: tempt
    by offering something attractive: to make a person or animal do something by
Fatalistic; Fatalism 
1. the philosophical doctrine that all events are predetermined so that man is powerless to alter his destiny
2. the acceptance of and submission to this doctrine
3. a lack of effort or action in the face of difficulty

offering something desirable

Synonyms: lure, tempt, induce, seduce, bribe, cajole, invite, attract
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LB Johnson