Saturday, July 27, 2013

Children Learn What They Dorothy Law Nolte

Children Learn What They Live
By Dorothy Law Nolte

          If children live with criticism,
               They learn to condemn.
          If children live with hostility,
               They learn to fight.
          If children live with ridicule,
               They learn to be shy.
          If children live with shame,
               They learn to feel guilty.
          If children live with encouragement,
               They learn confidence.
          If children live with tolerance,
               They learn to be patient.
          If children live with praise,
               They learn to appreciate.
          If children live with acceptance,
               They learn to love.
          If children live with approval,
               They learn to like themselves.
          If children live with honesty,
               They learn truthfulness.
          If children live with security,
               They learn to have faith in themselves and others.
          If children live with friendliness,
               They learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Copyright © 1972/1975 by Dorothy Law Nolte

Dorothy Law Nolte, Ph.D.
This is the author-approved short version.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Why You Should Lift Weight

Why You Should Lift Weight

The first few times you strength train may seem like a waste of time. The longer you stick with it, the more muscle mass you’ll build and the more calories you’ll burn. (Source)

Dog pictured floating to sleep in owner's arms has died

Schoep, the arthritic dog who became an Internet sensation last summer when he was photographed floating peacefully in Lake Superior in his owner’s arms, has passed away. Read More...

Also, take a look at this slide show. One author said no dog should die alone no matter their age. Adopt an old dog today!

Monday, July 15, 2013

15 Fascinating Planets Outside Our Solar System

5 Exercises to Try at Work

Studies show that a sedentary work environment can lead to a high risk of obesity if you are an office worker, especially if you work over 40 hours a week. While healthy diet plans, strength training, and aerobic exercise are important outside of the office; you can also optimize your exercise routines while at work. (Read More)

NAACP calls on Obama to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman

NAACP calls on Obama to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman
Outraged by an acquittal in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, the NAACP quickly called for civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. "The most fundamental of civil rights — the right to life — was violated the night George Zimmerman stalked and then took the life of Trayvon Martin," the NAACP wrote in an online petition to Attorney General Eric Holder. "We ask that the Department of Justice file civil rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman for this egregious violation."(Read More)

Hero teen gets on bike, tracks down kidnapper and rescues 5-year-old

Temar Boggs was hanging out in his Pennsylvania neighborhood when he heard that officers were looking for a reportedly kidnapped 5-year-old girl. Boggs, 15, and his friends got on their bikes and joined the search. "I had the gut feeling that I was going to find the little girl," Boggs said. After first checking the woods and along a creek, Boggs spotted a maroon car that started backtracking through the neighborhood, presumably to avoid a group of officers. He caught up to the car, causing the driver to stop and push the girl out. Boggs scooped her up and delivered her to the police. "I'm just a normal person," he said. "It was a blessing for me to make that happen."

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Jury finds George Zimmerman not guilty

Outside court, some supporters of Martin’s family chanted, “The system failed us!”

Jurors in the trial of George Zimmerman found him not guilty in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

A Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman on Saturday night in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, which touched off an intense national debate about race, guns and self-defense.

Read More...Jury finds George Zimmerman not guilty

Live by Your Own Rules

Live by Your Own Rules: "Viva is fresh and unexpected. A sexy daring blend of notes that brings out the duality of a woman. The Viva woman is powerful, yet seductive. She lives life by her own rules."
- Fergie

U.S. expresses 'deep concern' about South Sudan violence

U.S. expresses 'deep concern' about South Sudan violence

Zimmerman jury holds second day of deliberations

Zimmerman jury holds second day of deliberations

Black Celebrities Who’ve Fought Breast Cancer

African American women are 10% less likely to have been diagnosed with breast cancer; however, they are almost 40% more likely to die from breast cancer, as compared to non-Hispanic white women. Here are a few well-known Black celebrities who have suffered from breast cancer.

Liking isn't helping!!

Will You Help or Will You Spectate?
That is the question!

LB Johnson