Sunday, June 30, 2013

Signs of Over Heating & Exhaustion

Heat stroke or sunstroke is a life-threatening condition when the body’s cooling system stops working properly. This allows the body’s internal body temperature to rise so high that damage to organs or even the brain can occur.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Why Is a Strong Core Important for Everyday Life?


Neglecting your core can have adverse effects on your everyday activities. Here are some of the functions a well-developed core will help you perform...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Free Final Wishes Guide

I am aware of the emotional upset one may experience at a time such as this. So that I may spare you any additional unrest, I have prepared this booklet to help you with the planning  and decision making that must be done.

Within these pages I have outlined my final wishes. I have specified the arrangement that should be made and provided a list of those who should be informed of my passing.

I have also provided a detailed list of all legal and financial information that will be needed when settling my estate. I hope this somewhat lessens the difficulties you may face upon my passing.

In the event of your death, will you leave your loved ones with questions or with a plan?

Our final wishes guide allows you to set in motion, the unavoidable decisions that have to be made when some one dies.


 Get Your FREE Final Wishes Guide Today!


Friday, June 7, 2013

What is joint life insurance?

There are two main types of joint life insurance, (first-to-die) and (second-to-die).

With a joint life insurance (first-to-die) policy, two people are insured. Benefits are paid when the first person dies. The premiums on this type of policy is lower than if two policies were bought whose total death benefit equaled the death benefit under the joint life insurance policy.

With a joint and survivor life insurance (second-to-die) policy, two people are also insured under one policy, but pays death benefits only when the second insured person dies.

LB Johnson